Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Clever Crow and The Pitcher
Once there lived a crow in a jungle. It was then summer season. The day was very hot, when the crow became thirsty. He flied hither and thither in search of water. But he could not find water anywhere.

After some time, the crow came across a pitcher that was lying under a tree. He peeped into it, and found that there was water, but at a very low level, and it was not possible for him to suck it with his beak. He was disheartened. But he did not leave the place, because the presence of water in the pitcher made him eager to drink it.

The crow's eyes suddenly fell on a heap of pebbles which were lying under a nearby tree.

A wonderful idea came to his mind that by dropping the pebbles into the pitcher, the level of the water could be brought to a higher level. So he began to drop the pebbles one by one into the pitcher; and finally, the level of the water was raised by the process, and and he drank it to his heart's content.

Two Friends and The BearOnce Mohan and Sohan lived in a small village. They were friends. They lived together in that village. Once they made a plan to go to his friends house for a function. They passed through a forest. Wild animals lived in that forest.

On the way, they saw a bear. Sohan was selfish. He climbed up a tree to save his life. Mohan could not climb up the tree. He lay down on the ground. He held his breath. The bear smelt him and took him to be dead.

He went away. Sohan came down. He asked Mohan "What was the bear speaking in your ears?" Mohan replied, "He advised me to beware of those friends who run away in time of danger".

Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

the-hidden-treasure-short-storyOnce upon a time there lived an old farmer. He had four sons. There were very lazy. He wanted to teach them the value of hard work. But the lazy sons did not care for his advice.
One day, the farmer fell ill. He was on death bed. He called his sons and said “I have buried a treasure in my field. But I do not remember the exact place. Dig it out after my death.”
After the death of their father, they went to the field. They dug it from end-to-end. But they found no treasure. They became sad.
In the mean time, an old man passed that way. He knew what their father meant. He advised them to sow seeds. They acted upon his advice. They reaped a rich harvest. They became rich. Thus they learnt the value of hard work.
Moral : No pain and no gain.

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