Friday, October 20, 2017

There was a big field near by a village. There was a farmer who had some cows. The cows used to eat grass from the field. One day a herd of cows came to the field to eat grass. They saw a dog lying on the grass in the field.

One of the cow pleaded, “Please, will you get up! We are hungry. We have to eat these grass”. The dog did not take heed of it.

Once again another cow pleaded, “Please, let us have our grass”. We are so much hungry. The dog snarled and the cow stepped back.

There was a bull also eating grass near by. A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him all the matter. The bull came and requested to the dog, “Get out, please! Let them have their food”. There was no reply from the Dog. The bull became angry. He bellowed loudly and stamped his legs. The dog got frightened and ran for his life.

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