Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Once upon a time there lived a swan who used to spend time in various playful activities on a lake. Once an owl visited him in the forest and requested him to be friends, after praising the swan a lot. The swan agreed to be friends with him and they used to spend time near the lake a lot of days.

But the owl soon got bored of the place and told the swan, "I am going back to my home in the Lotus wood, and if you ever want to visit me you can visit me there." The swan, after many days once decided to pay a visit to the owl in the Lotus wood. On reaching Lotus wood, it could not find the owl, which was hiding in the dark hole. 

The owl asked the swan to take rest till daylight was over and told him that he could come out only at night. The swan decided to take rest.

It so happened that a group of merchants were passing by the next day early morning. The merchants chanted some hymns, and to that the owl replied with a hoot. Thinking that this was a bad omen, the merchants then decided to shoot the owl down. But in the meantime the owl had fled and taken refuge in a nearby hole near the shore of the lake. 

But the swan did not move. The arrow from the merchants came and hit the swan and it was killed.

A lazy grasshopper laughed at a little ant as she was always busy gathering food.

"Why are you working so hard?" he asked, "come into the sunshine and listen to my merry notes."

"But the ant went on her work. She said" I am lying in a store for the winter. Sunny days won't last forever."

"Winter is so far away yet, "laughed the grasshopper back.

And when the winter came, the ant settled down in her snug house. She had plenty of food to last the whole winter. The grasshopper had nothing to eat so, he went to the ant and begged her for a little corn.

"No", replied the ant, "you laughed at me when I worked. You yourself sang through the summer. So you had better dance the winter away."

Moral: Idleness is a curse.

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